Coco Lashing
Coco lashings are made from the spath of the coco palm. This spath is split and twisted to make a sturdy and interesting natural decoration. The coco lashing twists upwards to a tapering tip, looking almost flame like in its appearance. Coco lashings are also perfect for adding to mixed grain or dried floral displays. Coco lashings last indefinitely with no care except for an occasional dusting. Coco lashings do not need water or other mediums to keep them in their beautiful condition. Our coco lashings are measured as their already twisted length, which adds height and interest to a dried floral bouquet or table centerpiece. Each bunch of our coco lashings contains artistically bent pieces to add to your home or office decor display. Add a bit of exotic interest into your home or office decorating by adding several bunches of twisted coco lashings to your favorite arrangement today.
Product: Coco Lasser (Coco Lashing)
Length: 22-24 inches tall as twisted
Amount: One bundle shown
Width: Each stem about 1/2 inches…tapering thinner at the top
Bunch: 5 to 7 pieces
Weight: 4 oz
Case Option: Buy a full Case of 24 coco lasser bunches and save Big!
Coco Lashing is also know as: Coco fingers, coco branches, coco twigs, decorative coco branches, coco branch